Driving Demand Through Quality and Advocacy
In addition to the Beef Checkoff executing numerous efforts and initiatives to reach consumers and drive demand for beef, there are multiple programs and resources exclusively for beef producers. This producer-led program strives to educate and engage the beef industry by providing tools, resources and other information that helps producers feel confident about the Beef Checkoff’s work and how it’s managed.
Producer Resources
The Beef Checkoff invests in programs to help beef producers grow and strengthen their operations.
- Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) – BQA provides beef producers information and resources on proper animal care and handling practices. BQA guidelines are designed to help producers improve their operational management and boost consumers’ confidence in the beef industry with scientifically proven techniques. A BQA certification takes only an estimated two to three hours to complete online.
- Veal Quality Assurance (VQA) – The VQA program provides veal farmers and industry leaders with the educational resources to develop and follow a comprehensive herd health plan and calf care program dedicated to producing consistent and exceptional quality veal. It also helps identify potential problem areas and solutions to ensure that every veal farmer meets the obligations and responsibilities inherent in raising animals for food.
- Masters Of Beef Advocacy (MBA) – MBA is the go-to program for training and resources to be a strong advocate for the beef community. This free, self-guided online course provides all members of the beef community the tools and resources to become a beef advocate and answer tough questions about beef and raising cattle.
Beef Research Information
The Beef Checkoff utilizes research programs to help build demand for beef and provide producers with cutting-edge exploration and data-driven results on everything from product quality, beef safety, human nutrition, beef sustainability and market research. See Beef Checkoff research programs at: BeefResearch.org
Beef Industry Long Range Plan
Beef industry leaders come together every five years to develop the Beef Industry Long Range Plan (LRP). The LRP Task Force establishes this industry-wide roadmap to provide strategic direction and ensure the U.S. beef industry’s long-term prosperity. The LRP is an industry-wide strategic planning process and is a separate entity from the Beef Checkoff. However, the LRP is instrumental in helping guide Beef Checkoff structure and funding decisions. Every strategy, objective and tactic contractors execute on behalf of the Beef Checkoff ties back to the LRP in one form or another. See the 2021 – 2025 industry objectives and initiatives at: BeefLongRangePlan.com
Finance, Compliance, Governing Information and Transparency
The Beef Checkoff shares everything from fiscal budgets, financial information, annual reports and more to ensure the efficient and effective use of Beef Checkoff dollars. See all the resources at: DrivingDemandForBeef.com/Resources
The Beef Checkoff also informs producers on what their dollar investment is doing to drive demand for beef. The Drive publishing platform is multi-faceted, giving producers multiple options to learn about Beef Checkoff-funded projects. Whether producers like to read or watch – a complimentary version of The Drive is available in multiple forms.
Monthly e-Newsletter and quarterly print newsletter
The Drive in Five Video Series: Sign up for text updates by texting DRIVE to 1-888-351-6435. Watch the newest episode.
The Beef Checkoff program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States may retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.