1. History & Framework
Established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill, learn what led to the creation of the Beef Checkoff, the ins and outs of who makes funding decisions and who executes the Checkoff-funded programs and how the Checkoff represents the best interests of beef producers.
2. Fairness & Balance
Learn about who is required to pay into the Beef Checkoff and what role importers and packers play.
3. Government & Policy
See what the Government’s role is in the Beef Checkoff and how the USDA provides oversight to the program. Also, learn why the Beef Checkoff cannot partake in lobbying and policy discussions.
4. Accountability
To ensure the Beef Checkoff is run by stakeholders according to the vision and rules laid out in the Beef Promotion and Research Act, comprehensive safeguards are in place. See what the rules are for Beef Checkoff expenditures, Board Members and contractors.
5. Evaluation & Relevance
Learn how the Beef Checkoff provides equal value to every producer and importer who pays into the program. Regardless of operation size, see how the Checkoff is applicable and helpful to every producer.